
SafeRemote - Secure Access to Remote Desktop

  • Storing sensitive data and your customers ask about security?
  • Moving to Cloud servers that seem too unprotected?
  • Logon to the servers' Remote Desktop being too insecure?
  • Tried security products that have a huge scope and wants to do everything under the sun?
  • Microsofts own two-factor solution is in the future (and maybe you have to stick to older server versions anyway)?

Here's the solution: SafeRemote, a two factor logon product that is focused specifically on Remote Desktop logon to Windows Servers.

Install SafeRemote, enter your username/password, get your code via SMS, type it in at Remote Desktop logon. Ready!

Insufficient security Many internet-facing servers have insufficient security today, especially for admins' logon. Your development project hopefully remembers to add good security for the normal users but often forget about safe admin access via Remote Desktop (RDP).

More internet-facing servers The strong trend towards Cloud services makes this problem even bigger. Many more internet-facing servers get added and they all need admin access. SafeRemote is very suitable for RDP to virtual Windows Servers in Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure VM and a large amount of other Cloud services.

Focused product There are some good products on the market that can add proper logon security, but usually they are very expensive, complex and difficult to understand and configure. These products solve a large amount of security issues and can be used for a wide range of tasks. But often it is just protection for RDP access that is needed. SafeRemote is a product that is focused on this and is really simple to understand and maintain.

Customer story Sambruk is an organisation where Swedish municipalaties cooperates to improve efficiency and use IT in new and powerful ways. One of Sambruk's services handle social security data that of course are very sensitive. SafeRemote protects this server.


SafeRemote Functionality

SafeRemote makes the Remote Desktop (RDP) safe by adding an "authentication factor" for logon.

Authentication factors are defined like this in the IT industry:

  1. The first factor is something you "know", usually a password.
  2. The second factor is something you "have", for example a mobile phone, a security dongle, a security token or a PKI certificate. (A mobile phone in turn is identified by a unique number in its SIM card.)
  3. The third factor is something you "are", for example your fingerprint or your retina.

SafeRemote simply uses your mobile phone to add a second factor. Since password cracking unfortunately has become common, this second factor increases the security to a high degree but is still easy to deploy, use and understand.

SafeRemote has got a configuration web page that is very simple to use. Here the administrator enter which user names that should get access via two factor authentication.